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Robert Barnes

Overseeing the chores 1876

Overseeing the chores 1876 - Robert Barnes

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Overseeing the chores 1876 - Robert Barnes
Artist:Robert Barnes
Title:Overseeing the chores 1876
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Merry-Go-Round on the Ice  1888 - Robert Barnes
Robert Barnes:
A Merry-Go-Round on the Ice 1888
Blick uber den Arno auf die Ponte Vecchio in Florenz - William Henry James Boot
William Henry James Boot:
Blick uber den Arno auf die Ponte Vecchio in Florenz
Combats Dans L'Arene (Fights in the Arena) - Felix Louis Leullier
Felix Louis Leullier:
Combats Dans L'Arene (Fights in the Arena)
St. Malo, 1927 - Paul Signac
Paul Signac:
St. Malo, 1927
Rouen Cathedral - Joseph Mallord William Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner:
Rouen Cathedral
Venice, the Grand Canal - Eugène Boudin
Eugène Boudin:
Venice, the Grand Canal
Pass a Brick - Aleksander Kobzdej
Aleksander Kobzdej:
Pass a Brick

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Myron G. Barlow
Myron G. Barlow

Frederick Barnard
Frederick Barnard

Lambert Barnard
Lambert Barnard

Edward Charles Barnes
Edward Charles Barnes

James D. Barnett
James D. Barnett

Henri Alphonse Barnoin
Henri Alphonse Barnoin

Federico Fiori Barocci
Federico Fiori Barocci

Henri Baron
Henri Baron

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