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Marie Desire Bourgoin
L'Atelier De Sarah Bernhard 1885
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Marie Desire Bourgoin
L'Atelier De Sarah Bernhard 1885
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
Sarah Bernhardt 1869
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Marie Desire Bourgoin:
Sarah Bernhardt 1869
Fernando Botero:
Los Musicos
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres:
Raphael and the Fornarina
Louis Rolland Trinquesse:
Study of a Sleeping Girl
James Jacques Joseph Tissot:
Hush! (or The Concert)
Carl Emil Mucke:
Watching the Pot
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Jules Trayer:
A Tender Moment
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Gustave Bourgain
Eugene Bourgeois
Pierre Bourgogne
Aime Gabriel Adolphe Bourgoin
James E. Bourhill
Antoine Bourland
Marc Theodore Bourrit
Esaias Boursse
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