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Louis Gauffier
Frederick Augustus of Saxony 1793
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Louis Gauffier
Frederick Augustus of Saxony 1793
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Adam Kraft:
Self-Portrait (supporting figure)
Federico Zuccaro:
Mrs. Herbert
Marianna Carlevaris:
Portrait of Cornelia Foscolo Balbi 1740-42
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:
Portrait of Laurent-Denis Sennegon
Anna Bilinska-Bohdanowiczowa:
Portrait of a Young Woman with a Rose
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Robert Schneider:
Self Portrait, 1856
Nathaniel Rogers:
Portrait of a Lady
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Lucas Gassel
Alphonse Gaudefroy
Adrien-Etienne Gaudez
Friedrich Gauermann
Paul Gauguin
Gilbert Gaul
William Gilbert Gaul
Jefferson Gauntt
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