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Oil Paintings
Traditional Portraits
Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
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Paintings: 111
'Coleccion de las principales suertes de una corrida de toros'
Abbot O'Melan, Private Tutor to the Duke of Orleans, 1760
Adelaide Mancini, Duchess of Cosse, and her Daughter, Madame de Portemar as a Child, 1766
Anne-Claudine Mayneaud de la Tour, Comtesse de Pons Saint-Maurice, 1760
Antoine de Ferriol comte de Pont de Vesles (1697-1774) c.1770
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Bailli de Guines, 1765
Bailli of Champignelles, huntsman to the Duke of Orleans in Hunting Costume, 1764
Balloon Ascension in the Gardens of Aranjuez, c.1783
Baron d'Huart and Monsieur de Fraguier Playing Backgammon, c.1760
Carmontelle (1717-1806) giving the Keys of the Parc Monceau in Paris to the Duke of Chartres (1747-93)
Charles Colle (1709-83) c.1762
Charles-Antoine-Renaud de Lastic (b.1713) Chevalier de Malte, 1769
Charles-Edouard (1738-69) Count of Hessenstein, illegitimate son of the King Fredrik I (1676-1751) of Sweden, 1765
Charles-Guillaume (1735-1806) Duke of Brunswick, 1768
Chevalier du Dreneuc, 1765
Comte de Croix
Count Michel Oginski, Aide de Camp to the Duke of Orleans, 1759
David Hume (1711-76)
Dona Tomasa de Aliga
dt. John the Baptist
Ducan, tailor from Villers-Cotterets, 1770
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Duke of Cereste-Brancas
Edme-Francois d'Estrez, Chevalier de Marnay, servant to the duc d'Orleans, 1769
Father Hubert, 1786
Fortunee-Marie d'Este (1734-1803) Countess of la Marche, Princess of Conti, 1768
Francois Augustin Paradis de Montcrif, secretary to the Queen Marie Leczinska (1687-1770)
Francois Charles, Comte de Rochechouart, 1768
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Gaspard-Claude de Fleurieu, Sieur de Montverdun, servant to the Duke of Orleans, 1770
General Clarck
Gerard Binet (1700-80) Baron de Marchais, 1760
Girl in a Blue Dress by a Table of Sweetmeats
Henri-Rene d'Helicaud d'Ampoigne, 1770
Hyacinthe-Hugues-Timoleon (1746-1813) Count of Cosse
Ignacio de Urtado, Marquez de Amezaga, 1763
Jacques-Mathieu Augeard (d.1805) farmer general, secretary to the Queen's command from 1777, 1770
Jacques-Philippe Le Long, Comte du Dreneuc, 1765
Jacques-Robert Le Hericy, Marquis d'Etreham, 1769
Jean-Baptiste Waquette de Gribeauval (1715-89)
Jean-Baptiste-Louis de la Bussiere, horseman to the Duke of Orleans
Jean-Louis Antoine (b.1682) Count du Lau wearing the red sash of the Legion of Honour, 1758
La Marquise Charles du Crest
La Marquise de la Croix, c.1768
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Laurence Sterne (1713-68), c.1762
Le Chevalier de Beausset, chef d'escadre des armees
Leopold Mozart (1719-87) and his two children, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-91) and Maria-Anna, known as 'Nannerl' (1751-1829)
Louis de Noe, Governor of Bordeaux and Chamberlain to the Duke of Orleans, 1769
Louis-Antoine du Prat de Nantouillet, Marquis of Barbancon, huntsman to the Duke of Orleans, 1763
Louis-Hugues, Marquis de Lusignan, c.1764
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Paintings: 111
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
William Tolman Carlton
James Wilson Carmichael
Johann Carmiencke
Johann-Hermann Carmiencke
Fra Carnevale
Antonio Carnicero Y Mancio
Henry Caro-Delvaille
Carolingian School
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