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Oil Paintings
Custom Portraits
Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
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Paintings: 111
Louis-Philippe Comte de Durfort, Colonel du Regiment de Chartres-Infanterie, c.1759
Louise-Caroline-Henriette Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt (1761-1829) c.1780
Louise-Henriette-Gabrielle de Lorraine (b.1718) Mademoiselle de Marsan, Princess of Bouillon, 1760
Lydia de Bournonville (1720-1791) Countess of Bentheim, 1767
M. de Saint Mars and M. de Bellisle
Madame Collet, 1760
Madame d'Epinay reading, 1759
Madame de Boisandre, wife of a horseman to the Duke of Orleans, c.1780
Madame de Boisandre, wife of the commandant of the hunt of the Duke of Orleans, c.1761
Madame de Charmilly, 1760
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Madame de Marly, 1759
Madame la Comtesse de Polignac, Dame d'Honneur to the Duchesse d'Orleans, 1760
Madame Moreau and Mademoiselle de Flinville
Mademoiselle de Lespinasse (1732-76) 1760
Mademoiselle Gamache (b.c.1729) Countess of Forbach, Duchess of Deux-Ponts, 1769
Mademoiselle Lefevre, 1758
Marques de Penafiel, Son of the Duke of Osuna
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Marquis of Chastellux, 1768
Marquis of Chaumont-Bernage, 1769
Milord Farnham, 1763
Monsieur and Mademoiselle de Croismare
Monsieur Beller, 1760
Monsieur de Bois-Massot, huntsman to the Duke of Orleans in Hunting Costume, 1764
Monsieur de Bouthillier Marquis de Chavigny
Monsieur de Chateaubrun, 1762
Monsieur de la Beaumelle
Monsieur de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye, 1760
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Monsieur de La Live, 1760
Monsieur de Maupassant and his daughter, Mademoiselle de Maupassant, 1760
Monsieur de Pidensat, Butler to the Duke of Orleans, 1769
Monsieur de Reuilly and Madame de Montreal
Monsieur de Saint-Marc and Monsieur de Bellisle
Monsieur et Madame Lallemant de Nantouillet (M. & Mme de Marly) and their family
Monsieur Jean-Baptiste Le Roy (1719-1800) and the Abbot of Saint-Remy, 1775-80
Monsieur l'Abbe Allaire (d.1775) private tutor to the Duke of Orleans, 1760
Monsieur le Comte de Blot
Monsieur le Doyen du Chapitre de Saint-Cloud, c.1766
Monsieur Pidansat de Mairobert, 1760
Philippe-Antoine-Gabriel-Victor-Charles (1723-94) Comte de La Tour-du-Pin
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Portrait of Elizabeth, Countess Sapieha
Portrait of Hernan Cortes (1485-547), from 'Famous Men'
Prince Camille de Lorraine (b.1725)
Self Portrait, c.1762
Solonel Barre, 1765
The Abbe de La Porte and the Marquis de Saint-Chamans, c.1766
The Ascent of a Hot-Air Balloon in Madrid (detail of a food stall in the crowd)
The Ascent of a Hot-Air Balloon in Madrid, detail of the crowd
The Ascent of the Montgolfier Balloon at Aranjuez, c.1764
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Paintings: 111
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
William Tolman Carlton
James Wilson Carmichael
Johann Carmiencke
Johann-Hermann Carmiencke
Fra Carnevale
Antonio Carnicero Y Mancio
Henry Caro-Delvaille
Carolingian School
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