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Lambert de Visscher

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Johannes Hevelius 1611-87 1668 - Lambert de Visscher
Johannes Hevelius 1611-87 1668

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P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Antonio Visentini
Antonio Visentini

Ivan Vishnyakov
Ivan Vishnyakov

Francois Vispre
Francois Vispre

Cornelius de Visscher
Cornelius de Visscher

Nicolaes (Claes) Jansz Visscher
Nicolaes (Claes) Jansz Visscher

Nicolaes the Elder Visscher
Nicolaes the Elder Visscher

Nicolaes the Younger Visscher
Nicolaes the Younger Visscher

Vitale d'Aimo de Cavalli
Vitale d'Aimo de Cavalli

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