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John Christian Schetky

The Battle of Trafalgar, c.1841

The Battle of Trafalgar, c.1841 - John Christian Schetky

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The Battle of Trafalgar, c.1841 - John Christian Schetky
Artist:John Christian Schetky
Title:The Battle of Trafalgar, c.1841
Museum:Yale Centre for British Art, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Moment of Victory between HMS 'Shannon' and the American Ship Chesapeake on 1st June 1813, 1857 - John Christian Schetky
The Moment of Victory between HMS 'Shannon' and the American Ship Chesapeake on 1st June 1813, 1857
Warships Drying their Sails - John Christian Schetky
Warships Drying their Sails

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

HMS 'Shannon' leading the Chesapeake into Halifax Harbour, 1813 - John Christian Schetky
John Christian Schetky:
HMS 'Shannon' leading the Chesapeake into Halifax Harbour, 1813
Ships of the Line Beating out to Sea - John Christian Schetky
John Christian Schetky:
Ships of the Line Beating out to Sea
Dutch Men-o-War - John Christian Schetky
John Christian Schetky:
Dutch Men-o-War
Group at the Cottage, Bournehill, 1858 - John Christian Schetky
John Christian Schetky:
Group at the Cottage, Bournehill, 1858
Lighthouse at St. Malo - Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Maurice Brazil Prendergast:
Lighthouse at St. Malo
Fishing Boat in Stormy Seas - Jules Dupre
Jules Dupre:
Fishing Boat in Stormy Seas
A View of the Doges Palace - Carlo Grubacs
Carlo Grubacs:
A View of the Doges Palace

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Hermann Scherer
Hermann Scherer

Boris Walentinowitsch Scherkow
Boris Walentinowitsch Scherkow

Lorenz Scherm
Lorenz Scherm

Jean-Jacques Scherrer
Jean-Jacques Scherrer

Julius Scheuerrer
Julius Scheuerrer

Josef Scheurenberg
Josef Scheurenberg

Julius Scheurer
Julius Scheurer

Franz Scheyerer
Franz Scheyerer

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