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Edouard Manet's Studio
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Traditional Portraits
Jan Mytens
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Paintings: 10
A Portrait of a Man Holding a Glove
Family group portrait
Portrait histoire of a young man and lady as Meleager and Atalanta
Portrait of a lady wearing a black dress and a white collar
Portrait of a Lady, standing three-quarter length, wearing a lavender silk dress with white sleeves and a yellow shawl
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Portrait of a young gentleman in a burgundy doublet with slashed sleeves and a sash, a feathered cap in hand
Portrait of a Young Lady as Diana
Portrait of Christaen Huygens in a landscape, a country house beyond
Portrait of the son of a nobleman as Cupid
Venus and Adonis
Page 1 of 1
Paintings: 10
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Girolamo Muziano
Grigoriy Grigoryevich Myasoyedov
Robertson Kirtland Mygatt
Frans Van Der Myn
Artur Nacht Samborski
Charles Christian Nahl
Charles Christian Nahl
Le Nain Brothers
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