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Ignaz Unterberger

Initiation ceremony in a Viennese Masonic Lodge during the reign of Joseph II, with Mozart seated on the extreme left, 1784

Initiation ceremony in a Viennese Masonic Lodge during the reign of Joseph II, with Mozart seated on the extreme left, 1784 - Ignaz Unterberger

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Initiation ceremony in a Viennese Masonic Lodge during the reign of Joseph II, with Mozart seated on the extreme left, 1784 - Ignaz Unterberger
Artist:Ignaz Unterberger
Title:Initiation ceremony in a Viennese Masonic Lodge during the reign of Joseph II, with Mozart seated on the extreme left, 1784
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Arrest of the metropolitan Philip, 1910 - Sergey Timofeyevich Schelkovy
Sergey Timofeyevich Schelkovy:
Arrest of the metropolitan Philip, 1910
Altarpiece of the SS. Vincent, James and Eustace 1468 - Antonio Pollaiolo
Antonio Pollaiolo:
Altarpiece of the SS. Vincent, James and Eustace 1468
The Road from Versailles to Saint-Germain, Louveciennes. Snow Effect - Camille Pissarro
Camille Pissarro:
The Road from Versailles to Saint-Germain, Louveciennes. Snow Effect
Triumph of Liberty - Jacques Reattu
Jacques Reattu:
Triumph of Liberty
The Toast - Herman Maurice Cossmann
Herman Maurice Cossmann:
The Toast
Edward Prince, a Carpenter, 1792 - John, of Denbigh Walters
John, of Denbigh Walters:
Edward Prince, a Carpenter, 1792
Elector August von Sachsen (1526-86) c.1586 - Zacharias Wehme
Zacharias Wehme:
Elector August von Sachsen (1526-86) c.1586

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Spanish Unknown Masters
Spanish Unknown Masters

Unknown Painter
Unknown Painter

Toeki Unkoku
Toeki Unkoku

Franz Richard Unterberger
Franz Richard Unterberger

Michelangelo Unterberger
Michelangelo Unterberger

Francis Sydney Unwin
Francis Sydney Unwin

Thomas Unwins
Thomas Unwins

C. Upham
C. Upham

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