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Guido Da Siena

Virgin and Christ Child Enthroned 1270s

Virgin and Christ Child Enthroned 1270s - Guido Da Siena

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Virgin and Christ Child Enthroned 1270s - Guido Da Siena
Artist:Guido Da Siena
Title:Virgin and Christ Child Enthroned 1270s
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Pieta c. 1491 - Lorenzo di Alessandro Da Sanseverino
Lorenzo di Alessandro Da Sanseverino:
Pieta c. 1491
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha - Girolamo da Carpi
Girolamo da Carpi:
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha
The Baptism of Christ (detail) 1472-75 - Andrea Del Verrocchio
Andrea Del Verrocchio:
The Baptism of Christ (detail) 1472-75
St. Pantaleone healing a child, 1587 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Paolo Veronese (Caliari):
St. Pantaleone healing a child, 1587
Pierre II- Duke of Bourbon, Presented by St. Peter  1492-93 - Master of Moulins  (Jean Hey)
Master of Moulins (Jean Hey):
Pierre II- Duke of Bourbon, Presented by St. Peter 1492-93
St Elizabeth Clothes the Poor and Tends the Sicks 1390s - German Unknown Masters
German Unknown Masters:
St Elizabeth Clothes the Poor and Tends the Sicks 1390s
St. Lucy Before the Judge - Lorenzo Lotto
Lorenzo Lotto:
St. Lucy Before the Judge

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Luca Da Reggio (Ferrari)
Luca Da Reggio (Ferrari)

Giovanni Da Rimini
Giovanni Da Rimini

Lorenzo di Alessandro Da Sanseverino
Lorenzo di Alessandro Da Sanseverino

Barna Da Siena
Barna Da Siena

Domenico Da Tolmezzo
Domenico Da Tolmezzo

Liberale Da Verona
Liberale Da Verona

Michele Da Verona
Michele Da Verona

Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci

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