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Gotthardt von Wedig

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Still Life, c.1630-35 - Gotthardt von Wedig
Still Life, c.1630-35
Still-life with crayfish, a roemer and a ewer - Gotthardt von Wedig
Still-life with crayfish, a roemer and a ewer

Page 1 of 1   1     Paintings: 2

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Hans or Johannes Ulrich Wechtlin
Hans or Johannes Ulrich Wechtlin

Alfred Weczerzick
Alfred Weczerzick

Johann Heinrich Wedekind
Johann Heinrich Wedekind

Julia Wedgewood
Julia Wedgewood

Augustus Watford Weedon
Augustus Watford Weedon

Barbara Weekes
Barbara Weekes

Henry Weekes
Henry Weekes

Herbert William Weekes
Herbert William Weekes

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