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Giovanni Francesco Romanelli

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Ceres c. 1660 - Giovanni Francesco Romanelli
Ceres c. 1660
Hercules and Omphale 1650s - Giovanni Francesco Romanelli
Hercules and Omphale 1650s
St Cecilia - Giovanni Francesco Romanelli
St Cecilia

Page 1 of 1   1     Paintings: 3

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Pedro Roldan
Pedro Roldan

Alfred Roll
Alfred Roll

Auguste Rolle
Auguste Rolle

Anton Romako
Anton Romako

Pasquale Romanelli
Pasquale Romanelli

Juana Romani
Juana Romani

Gerolamo Romanino
Gerolamo Romanino

Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
Giulio Romano (Orbetto)

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