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Frank Vizetelly

Southern refugees encamped in the woods near Vicksburg, from The Illustrated London News, 29th August 1863

Southern refugees encamped in the woods near Vicksburg, from The Illustrated London News, 29th August 1863 - Frank Vizetelly

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Southern refugees encamped in the woods near Vicksburg, from The Illustrated London News, 29th August 1863 - Frank Vizetelly
Artist:Frank Vizetelly
Title:Southern refugees encamped in the woods near Vicksburg, from The Illustrated London News, 29th August 1863
1st Art Gallery
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Federals shelling the City of Charleston Shell bursting in the streets in 1863 - Frank Vizetelly
The Federals shelling the City of Charleston Shell bursting in the streets in 1863

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

J.E.B. Stuart leading his men on the famous four day ride through enemy territory in June 1862 - Frank Vizetelly
Frank Vizetelly:
J.E.B. Stuart leading his men on the famous four day ride through enemy territory in June 1862
Confederate cotton burners near Memphis surprised by Federal scouts during the American Civil War, 1862 - Frank Vizetelly
Frank Vizetelly:
Confederate cotton burners near Memphis surprised by Federal scouts during the American Civil War, 1862
The Federals shelling the City of Charleston Shell bursting in the streets in 1863 - Frank Vizetelly
Frank Vizetelly:
The Federals shelling the City of Charleston Shell bursting in the streets in 1863
The Visit  1928 - Virgilio Guidi
Virgilio Guidi:
The Visit 1928
The death of Major Peirson at St. Helier, retaking Jersey from the French, 8 January 1781, from Illustrations of English and Scottish History  Volume II - John Singleton Copley
John Singleton Copley:
The death of Major Peirson at St. Helier, retaking Jersey from the French, 8 January 1781, from Illustrations of English and Scottish History Volume II
The Monk and the Nun 1591 - Cornelis Cornelisz Van Haarlem
Cornelis Cornelisz Van Haarlem:
The Monk and the Nun 1591
Summertime - Edward

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

J. Vivian
J. Vivian

Antonio Maria Viviani
Antonio Maria Viviani

Joseph Vivien
Joseph Vivien

Louis Vivin
Louis Vivin

Vasili Vasilevich Vladimirov
Vasili Vasilevich Vladimirov

Nicolas Vleughels
Nicolas Vleughels

Neeltje (Eltie) de Vlieger
Neeltje (Eltie) de Vlieger

Simon De Vlieger
Simon De Vlieger

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