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Francois Etienne Villeret

Tour Saint-Jacques

Tour Saint-Jacques - Francois Etienne Villeret

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Tour Saint-Jacques - Francois Etienne Villeret
Artist:Francois Etienne Villeret
Title:Tour Saint-Jacques
Museum:Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee Carnavalet - Paris
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Pantheon in 1835 - Francois Etienne Villeret
Francois Etienne Villeret:
The Pantheon in 1835
Le Quai dOrsay, 1839 - Francois Etienne Villeret
Francois Etienne Villeret:
Le Quai dOrsay, 1839
Cavaliers taking refreshments outside an Inn - John Frederick Herring Snr
John Frederick Herring Snr:
Cavaliers taking refreshments outside an Inn
Elche - Hercules Brabazon Brabazon
Hercules Brabazon Brabazon:
Paul's Coal Wharf - John Crowther
John Crowther:
Paul's Coal Wharf
Galerie des Bustes, Chaeau du Reveillon - Walter Gay
Walter Gay:
Galerie des Bustes, Chaeau du Reveillon
Moonlight on the Edge of a Lake, 1870 - Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov
Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov:
Moonlight on the Edge of a Lake, 1870

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Jenny Villebesseyx
Jenny Villebesseyx

Jose Villegas Cordero
Jose Villegas Cordero

Juan de Villegas
Juan de Villegas

Louis Jules Frederic Villeneuve
Louis Jules Frederic Villeneuve

Bogdan Pavlovich Villevalde
Bogdan Pavlovich Villevalde

(after) Villiers, Frederic
(after) Villiers, Frederic

Ricardo de Villodas de la Torre
Ricardo de Villodas de la Torre

A. Vimar
A. Vimar

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