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Fernand Auguste Besnier

Algerian riflemen of the French army attacking German guns during the Battle of the Marne in 1918

Algerian riflemen of the French army attacking German guns during the Battle of the Marne in 1918 - Fernand Auguste Besnier

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Algerian riflemen of the French army attacking German guns during the Battle of the Marne in 1918 - Fernand Auguste Besnier
Artist:Fernand Auguste Besnier
Title:Algerian riflemen of the French army attacking German guns during the Battle of the Marne in 1918
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Exercise of Armes (details) 1619 - Jacob de II Gheyn
Jacob de II Gheyn:
The Exercise of Armes (details) 1619
The Battle of Lexington, 19th April 1775, 1910 - William Barnes Wollen
William Barnes Wollen:
The Battle of Lexington, 19th April 1775, 1910
A scene from the Russian-Turkish War, 1801  - Gavril Sergeyevich Sergeyev
Gavril Sergeyevich Sergeyev:
A scene from the Russian-Turkish War, 1801
King Louis XVI (1754-93) Drinks to the Health of the Nation, 20th June 1792 - H. de la Charlerie
H. de la Charlerie:
King Louis XVI (1754-93) Drinks to the Health of the Nation, 20th June 1792
After Battle, 1893 - Georges Jules Auguste Cain
Georges Jules Auguste Cain:
After Battle, 1893
Napoleon - Baron Louis Albert Bacler d'Albe
Baron Louis Albert Bacler d'Albe:
Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1773-1850) 1834 - Léon Cogniet
Léon Cogniet:
Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1773-1850) 1834

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

A. Bertrand-Perrony
A. Bertrand-Perrony

Giovanni Battista Bertucci
Giovanni Battista Bertucci

Aureliano de Beruete y Moret
Aureliano de Beruete y Moret

Paul Albert Besnard
Paul Albert Besnard

Michelino da Besozzo
Michelino da Besozzo

Pancrace Bessa
Pancrace Bessa

Faustin Besson
Faustin Besson

John Best
John Best

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