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Elliott Dangerfield

Leda and the Swan

Leda and the Swan - Elliott Dangerfield

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Leda and the Swan - Elliott Dangerfield
Artist:Elliott Dangerfield
Title:Leda and the Swan
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Madonna and Child - Elliott Dangerfield
Madonna and Child
Storm Breaking Up - Elliott Dangerfield
Storm Breaking Up
The Forest Pool - Elliott Dangerfield
The Forest Pool

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Storm Breaking Up - Elliott Dangerfield
Elliott Dangerfield:
Storm Breaking Up
The Forest Pool - Elliott Dangerfield
Elliott Dangerfield:
The Forest Pool
Madonna and Child - Elliott Dangerfield
Elliott Dangerfield:
Madonna and Child
Carolina Sunlight - Elliott Dangerfield
Elliott Dangerfield:
Carolina Sunlight
Tempest (detail 5) c. 1505 - Giorgio da Castelfranco Veneto (See: Giorgione)
Giorgio da Castelfranco Veneto (See: Giorgione):
Tempest (detail 5) c. 1505
Vulcanus Takes Mars and Venus Unawares - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti):
Vulcanus Takes Mars and Venus Unawares
The Morning Glory, 1899 - Elihu Vedder
Elihu Vedder:
The Morning Glory, 1899

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Cesare Dandini
Cesare Dandini

Pietro Dandini
Pietro Dandini

Michel-Francois Dandre-Bardon
Michel-Francois Dandre-Bardon

Henri Camille Danger
Henri Camille Danger

Josef Franz Danhauser
Josef Franz Danhauser

Thomas Daniell
Thomas Daniell

William Daniell, R. A.
William Daniell, R. A.

Henri Pierre Danloux
Henri Pierre Danloux

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