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Edgar Bundy

A Steady Hand

A Steady Hand - Edgar Bundy

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A Steady Hand - Edgar Bundy
Artist:Edgar Bundy
Title:A Steady Hand
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

A Vigorous Outing - Edgar Bundy
A Vigorous Outing
After Naseby, 1645 - Edgar Bundy
After Naseby, 1645
Antonio Stradivari - Edgar Bundy
Antonio Stradivari
Antonio Stradivari, 1893 - Edgar Bundy
Antonio Stradivari, 1893
Arranging Flowers - Edgar Bundy
Arranging Flowers
At the Usurers - Edgar Bundy
At the Usurers
Cats Cradle, 1883 - Edgar Bundy
Cats Cradle, 1883
Despatches - is he Mentioned, 1917 - Edgar Bundy
Despatches - is he Mentioned, 1917

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Doubtful Customer - Edgar Bundy
Edgar Bundy:
A Doubtful Customer
After Naseby, 1645 - Edgar Bundy
Edgar Bundy:
After Naseby, 1645
Antonio Stradivari - Edgar Bundy
Edgar Bundy:
Antonio Stradivari
Study of Surinam fruit and spices - Dirk Valkenburg
Dirk Valkenburg:
Study of Surinam fruit and spices
Still Life with Blue Checkered Tablecloth - Felix Edouard Vallotton
Felix Edouard Vallotton:
Still Life with Blue Checkered Tablecloth
Dinner at Les Ambassadeurs, c.1882 - Jean-Georges Beraud
Jean-Georges Beraud:
Dinner at Les Ambassadeurs, c.1882
Still-Life - Jacob Fopsen van Es
Jacob Fopsen van Es:

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Bartolommeo Bulgarini
Bartolommeo Bulgarini

George Lawrence Bulleid
George Lawrence Bulleid

Ashburnham H. Bulley
Ashburnham H. Bulley

Kate Elizabeth Bunce
Kate Elizabeth Bunce

Dennis Miller Bunker
Dennis Miller Bunker

Rupert Charles Bunny
Rupert Charles Bunny

Ioki Bunsai (Bun'ya)
Ioki Bunsai (Bun'ya)

Niccolo Di Buonaccorso
Niccolo Di Buonaccorso

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