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Dora Carrington

Mountain Church, Larrau

Mountain Church, Larrau - Dora Carrington

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Mountain Church, Larrau - Dora Carrington
Artist:Dora Carrington
Title:Mountain Church, Larrau
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Mrs Box, 1919 - Dora Carrington
Mrs Box, 1919
Standing Female Nude, 1914 - Dora Carrington
Standing Female Nude, 1914

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Cattle by a Pond - Dora Carrington
Dora Carrington:
Cattle by a Pond
Lytton Strachey, (1880-1932) 1916 - Dora Carrington
Dora Carrington:
Lytton Strachey, (1880-1932) 1916
Female Figure Standing, 1913 - Dora Carrington
Dora Carrington:
Female Figure Standing, 1913
Before a Mosque (Cairo) - Alexandre Gabriel Decamps
Alexandre Gabriel Decamps:
Before a Mosque (Cairo)
Florence Cathedral 1754 - Giuseppe Zocchi
Giuseppe Zocchi:
Florence Cathedral 1754
Wellington and Blucher Meeting by Accident at the Close of the Battle of Waterloo - John Augustus Atkinson
John Augustus Atkinson:
Wellington and Blucher Meeting by Accident at the Close of the Battle of Waterloo
Carceri d'Invenzione- plate III (second edition) 1760 - Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Giovanni Battista Piranesi:
Carceri d'Invenzione- plate III (second edition) 1760

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse
Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse

Pierre Carrier-Belleuse
Pierre Carrier-Belleuse

Rosalba Carriera
Rosalba Carriera

Eugene Carriere
Eugene Carriere

James Yates Carrington
James Yates Carrington

Beckwith Carroll
Beckwith Carroll

Richard Carruthers
Richard Carruthers

Laurent Cars
Laurent Cars

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