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Cassandra Austen
Henry V, c.1790
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Cassandra Austen
Henry V, c.1790
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
Henry VI, c.1790
Henry VII, c.1790
Maria, from Lawrence Sterne's 'A Sentimental Journey
Mary Queen of Scots, c.1790
Portrait of Richard III
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Cassandra Austen:
Fanny Austen-Knight
Cassandra Austen:
Maria, from Lawrence Sterne's 'A Sentimental Journey
Cassandra Austen:
Mary Queen of Scots, c.1790
Cassandra Austen:
Henry VI, c.1790
The Terrible War of General Sakamoto, 1894
Order custom, handmade oil paintings on canvas from!
Willem van de, the Younger Velde:
Sea Battle of the Anglo-Dutch Wars, c.1700
Arnold Böcklin:
Vita Somnium Breve 1888
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Toulmouche Auguste
Jacques-Jean- Baptiste Augustin
James Aumonier
Joseph Nicolas Hippolyte Aussandon
Australasian School
Australian School
Ben Austrian
Austrian School
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