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Carlo Valensi

Collecting Summer Fruits

Collecting Summer Fruits - Carlo Valensi

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Collecting Summer Fruits - Carlo Valensi
Artist:Carlo Valensi
Title:Collecting Summer Fruits
Museum:Public collection
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Flower Collector - Carlo Valensi
The Flower Collector

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Flower Collector - Carlo Valensi
Carlo Valensi:
The Flower Collector
Farmhands with cattle and sheep - Giovanni Francesco Castiglione
Giovanni Francesco Castiglione:
Farmhands with cattle and sheep
The Kitchen Table - Paul Cezanne
Paul Cezanne:
The Kitchen Table
Head of Lake Geneva - John Ruskin
John Ruskin:
Head of Lake Geneva
Stonehenge in Winter - Walter Williams
Walter Williams:
Stonehenge in Winter
Landscape with classical buildings and figures - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Claude Lorrain (Gellee):
Landscape with classical buildings and figures
Confidence - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Pierre Auguste Renoir:

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Johannes Valdor
Johannes Valdor

Richard Vale
Richard Vale

S. Vale
S. Vale

Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes
Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes

Henry Augustin Valentin
Henry Augustin Valentin

Jean de Boulogne Valentin
Jean de Boulogne Valentin

Giuseppe Valeriani
Giuseppe Valeriani

Theodore Valerio
Theodore Valerio

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