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Alfred Wheeler

Fox Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers, 1905

Fox Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers, 1905 - Alfred Wheeler

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Fox Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers, 1905 - Alfred Wheeler
Artist:Alfred Wheeler
Title:Fox Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers, 1905
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Ormonde, 1886 - Alfred Wheeler
Ormonde, 1886
The Hounds - Alfred Wheeler
The Hounds
Two Fox Terriers, 1898 - Alfred Wheeler
Two Fox Terriers, 1898

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Ormonde, 1886 - Alfred Wheeler
Alfred Wheeler:
Ormonde, 1886
Fox Terriers and King Charles Spaniels, 1905 - Alfred Wheeler
Alfred Wheeler:
Fox Terriers and King Charles Spaniels, 1905
Two Fox Terriers, 1898 - Alfred Wheeler
Alfred Wheeler:
Two Fox Terriers, 1898
The Hounds - Alfred Wheeler
Alfred Wheeler:
The Hounds
Charles Brett's White English Setter, Sam in a Moorland Landscape, 1836 - Abraham Cooper
Abraham Cooper:
Charles Brett's White English Setter, Sam in a Moorland Landscape, 1836
Circe and her Swine - Briton Rivière
Briton Rivière:
Circe and her Swine
Great bustards - Archibald Thorburn
Archibald Thorburn:
Great bustards

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

T.B. Whaite
T.B. Whaite

Thomas Kelah Wharton
Thomas Kelah Wharton

Francis Wheatley
Francis Wheatley

Almira Wheaton
Almira Wheaton

Candace Thurber Wheeler
Candace Thurber Wheeler

John Alfred Wheeler
John Alfred Wheeler

John Arnold Wheeler
John Arnold Wheeler

Larry Wheeler
Larry Wheeler

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