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Agnolo Bronzino
Bia, The Illegitimate Daughter of Cosimo I de' Medici c. 1542
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Agnolo Bronzino
Bia, The Illegitimate Daughter of Cosimo I de' Medici c. 1542
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
Cosimo I de' Medici in Armour 1545
Crossing of the Red Sea c. 1540
Deposition 1565
Don Garcia de' Medici 1550
Eleonora of Toledo with her son Giovanni de' Medici 1544-45
Holy Family 1534-40
Holy Family 1555-60
Laura Battiferri 1555-60
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Agnolo Bronzino:
Portrait of Ludovico Capponi 1551
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Agnolo Bronzino:
Adoration of the Shepherds 1535-40
Agnolo Bronzino:
Portrait of Stefano IV Colonna 1546
Bartolome Esteban Murillo:
The Toilette 1670-75
Antonio Maria Viani:
Apollo and the Muses on Parnassus, lunette
Mary Cassatt:
Sketch Of Anne And Her Nurse
Francesco Albani:
Adonis Led by Cupids to Venus (detail) 1600
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Melchior Broederlam
William Bromley III
Valentin Walter Bromley
Jan Gerritsz van Bronchorst
Angnolo Bronzino
Charles Brooking
Maria Matilda Brooks
Nicholas Alden Brooks
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