Action Photo FAQ

Do I get to pick the image for the poster?
No, we pick the image we feel is best suited for the poster you have chosen. Your athlete may have scored a goal or got the big hit, however we may not have gotten that particular shot. Often we are covering several athletes at a given time, and from the most appropriate vantage point to capture the best images. However, regardless of how we try, we can’t capture every important event in a game. We are professionals and know what to look for in selecting an image that’s appropriate. We will choose the best possible image of your athlete for the poster/product you select.

I can’t see his face, his number, the ball, etc. in the poster!
Yes, that’s possible! These are action shots - that‘s the nature of our product. They’re not posed, studio photographs. Because of that fact, you might not get a full face shot, the ball might be missing, the background might not be optimal, a dirty uniform, etc. We strive to capture the drama and excitement of the game in your athlete. If you prefer a more controlled image, we would be happy to work with the athlete before or after the game to set up a shot.

What if he doesn’t get into the game or you don‘t get the shot?
We will do our utmost to capture a special image of your athlete, and in most instances are able to do so. However, if he doesn’t get into the game we have other options. We can attempt to capture other interaction related to the game - A “high five” after a goal, a celebration after a big hit, etc. We can also work with your athlete after the game for a simulated game situation shot. If neither of these work, we could reschedule another game to shoot or refund your money.

What if I don’t like the image?
By ordering, you agree to accept the image we choose for your poster(s). As stated above, we are professionals and we strive to produce the highest quality product possible. We will choose the best possible image for your application. If we have a doubt about using a image we will contact you. No disrespect intended, if you don’t feel you can trust our decisions, maybe you should reconsider your purchase.

What if I want to buy 2 Allsport posters? Do I have to pay $60 for each one?
Yes, that’s possible! No I'm just joking. If you want to purchase more than one of a certain item please ask. I always discount purchases of more than one of the same item.

What if I'm still not sure I want to buy a poster?
You can order a CD. The CD will contain the photos that we took of your child during the game and then you could pick what image you would like to be made into a poster. But remember these won't be processed images ready for printing. These images will be straight out of the camera.

When will I be billed?
We do not charge your credit card or cash checks until we have a printed image.

In summary, it’s your goal to purchase a top quality memento that captures a special time in your athlete’s life. It’s our goal to provide you with a professional product that we can all be proud of. Please allow us, as professionals, to do just that!

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©RD Evans Photography
[email protected]