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Wincenty de Lesseur

Prince Henryk Lubomirski as Cupid

Prince Henryk Lubomirski as Cupid - Wincenty de Lesseur

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Prince Henryk Lubomirski as Cupid - Wincenty de Lesseur
Artist:Wincenty de Lesseur
Title:Prince Henryk Lubomirski as Cupid
Art Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Prince Jozef Poniatowski - Wincenty de Lesseur
Prince Jozef Poniatowski

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Prince Jozef Poniatowski - Wincenty de Lesseur
Wincenty de Lesseur:
Prince Jozef Poniatowski
King Stanislaus Augustus - Wincenty de Lesseur
Wincenty de Lesseur:
King Stanislaus Augustus
Countesses Thun von Hohenstein - Wincenty de Lesseur
Wincenty de Lesseur:
Countesses Thun von Hohenstein
A Betrothal - Jacopo Del Sellaio
Jacopo Del Sellaio:
A Betrothal
Architecture  Painting And Sculpture Protected By Athena From The Ravages Of Time - John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent:
Architecture Painting And Sculpture Protected By Athena From The Ravages Of Time
Psyche Discovers Cupid, 1707-09 - Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Giuseppe Maria Crespi:
Psyche Discovers Cupid, 1707-09
The Stuff that Dreams are made of I - John Anster Fitzgerald
John Anster Fitzgerald:
The Stuff that Dreams are made of I

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Ange Louis Lesourd-Beauregard
Ange Louis Lesourd-Beauregard

Adolphe Alexandre  Lesrel
Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel

Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel
Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel

Adolphe-Alexandre Lesrel
Adolphe-Alexandre Lesrel

Tito-Giovanni Lessi
Tito-Giovanni Lessi

Karl Friedrich Lessing
Karl Friedrich Lessing

Henri Victor Lesur
Henri Victor Lesur

Guillaume Guillon Lethiere
Guillaume Guillon Lethiere

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