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Vasily Polenov
The Melancholy Daydream
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Vasily Polenov
The Melancholy Daydream
Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
The Overgrown Pond, 1880
The Virgin Spring in Nazareth, 1882
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Vasily Polenov:
Artillery in the Caucasian mountains, 1883
Vasily Polenov:
A Small Yard in Moscow, 1878
Vasily Polenov:
Arrest of the Huguenot Jacqueline de Montbel d'Etremont (1541-1600) 1875
Vasily Polenov:
The Overgrown Pond, 1880
John Singer Sargent:
Carrara: Workmen
Charles William Wyllie:
The Golden Age of Youth
Order custom, handmade oil paintings on canvas from!
(after) Willyams, Cooper:
Moors on Board the Swiftsure, engraved by Joseph Constantine Stadler (fl.1780-1812) published by I. White, London, 1801
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Francois de Poilly
Armand Point
Maurice Poirson
Jan Polack
Charles Peale Polk
Antonio Pollaiolo
Jacopo Pollaiuolo
Piero del Pollaiuolo
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