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Vasily Polenov

The Melancholy Daydream

The Melancholy Daydream - Vasily Polenov

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The Melancholy Daydream - Vasily Polenov
Artist:Vasily Polenov
Title:The Melancholy Daydream
Museum:Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Overgrown Pond, 1880 - Vasily Polenov
The Overgrown Pond, 1880
The Virgin Spring in Nazareth, 1882 - Vasily Polenov
The Virgin Spring in Nazareth, 1882

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Artillery in the Caucasian mountains, 1883 - Vasily Polenov
Vasily Polenov:
Artillery in the Caucasian mountains, 1883
A Small Yard in Moscow, 1878 - Vasily Polenov
Vasily Polenov:
A Small Yard in Moscow, 1878
Arrest of the Huguenot Jacqueline de Montbel d'Etremont (1541-1600) 1875 - Vasily Polenov
Vasily Polenov:
Arrest of the Huguenot Jacqueline de Montbel d'Etremont (1541-1600) 1875
The Overgrown Pond, 1880 - Vasily Polenov
Vasily Polenov:
The Overgrown Pond, 1880
Carrara: Workmen - John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent:
Carrara: Workmen
The Golden Age of Youth - Charles William Wyllie
Charles William Wyllie:
The Golden Age of Youth
Moors on Board the Swiftsure, engraved by Joseph Constantine Stadler (fl.1780-1812) published by I. White, London, 1801 - (after) Willyams, Cooper
(after) Willyams, Cooper:
Moors on Board the Swiftsure, engraved by Joseph Constantine Stadler (fl.1780-1812) published by I. White, London, 1801

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Francois de Poilly
Francois de Poilly

Armand Point
Armand Point

Maurice Poirson
Maurice Poirson

Jan Polack
Jan Polack

Charles Peale Polk
Charles Peale Polk

Antonio Pollaiolo
Antonio Pollaiolo

Jacopo Pollaiuolo
Jacopo Pollaiuolo

Piero del Pollaiuolo
Piero del Pollaiuolo

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