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Thomas Sidney Cooper

Cow and Sheep on a Mountain Pasture

Cow and Sheep on a Mountain Pasture - Thomas Sidney Cooper

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Cow and Sheep on a Mountain Pasture - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Artist:Thomas Sidney Cooper
Title:Cow and Sheep on a Mountain Pasture
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Cows In A Meadow - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Cows In A Meadow
Dairy Cows Resting - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Dairy Cows Resting
Evening In The Meadows - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Evening In The Meadows
Farm Landscape (from McGuire Scrapbook) - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Farm Landscape (from McGuire Scrapbook)
Grazing animals - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Grazing animals
In The Canterbury Meadows - Thomas Sidney Cooper
In The Canterbury Meadows
In The Highlands - Thomas Sidney Cooper
In The Highlands
In the White Hall Meadows, Canterbury, 1848 - Thomas Sidney Cooper
In the White Hall Meadows, Canterbury, 1848

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Cow And Sheep On The Cliffs - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Thomas Sidney Cooper:
A Cow And Sheep On The Cliffs
A Cow With Sheep In A Landscape - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Thomas Sidney Cooper:
A Cow With Sheep In A Landscape
A Halt on the Drove, Loch Etive - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Thomas Sidney Cooper:
A Halt on the Drove, Loch Etive
A Wooded Ford - Thomas Sidney Cooper
Thomas Sidney Cooper:
A Wooded Ford
Fishermen With Their Horses On The Beach - Joseph Jodocus Moerenhout
Joseph Jodocus Moerenhout:
Fishermen With Their Horses On The Beach
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helion (Parnassus) 1680 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Claude Lorrain (Gellee):
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helion (Parnassus) 1680
Bermuda Settlers - Winslow Homer
Winslow Homer:
Bermuda Settlers

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Joseph Teal Cooper
Joseph Teal Cooper

Richard Cooper
Richard Cooper

Samuel Cooper
Samuel Cooper

Thomas George Cooper
Thomas George Cooper

W. Savage Cooper
W. Savage Cooper

Washington Bogart  Cooper
Washington Bogart Cooper

William Savage  Cooper
William Savage Cooper

William Sidney Cooper
William Sidney Cooper

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