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Thomas Barker of Bath

Priscilla Jones, wife of the artist

Priscilla Jones, wife of the artist - Thomas Barker of Bath

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Priscilla Jones, wife of the artist - Thomas Barker of Bath
Artist:Thomas Barker of Bath
Title:Priscilla Jones, wife of the artist
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Self Portrait c.1794 - Thomas Barker of Bath
Self Portrait c.1794
Sheep Shearing - Thomas Barker of Bath
Sheep Shearing
The Edge of the Common - Thomas Barker of Bath
The Edge of the Common

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Sheep Shearing - Thomas Barker of Bath
Thomas Barker of Bath:
Sheep Shearing
Portrait of Miss H.M. de Cardonnel Lawson - Thomas Barker of Bath
Thomas Barker of Bath:
Portrait of Miss H.M. de Cardonnel Lawson
The Edge of the Common - Thomas Barker of Bath
Thomas Barker of Bath:
The Edge of the Common
Self Portrait c.1794 - Thomas Barker of Bath
Thomas Barker of Bath:
Self Portrait c.1794
Portrait of Jaroslava, c. 1930 - Alphonse Maria Mucha
Alphonse Maria Mucha:
Portrait of Jaroslava, c. 1930
Portrait of a Man 1619 - Gortzius Geldorp
Gortzius Geldorp:
Portrait of a Man 1619
Presumed Portrait of Miss Kinsoen - Francois-Joseph Kinsoen
Francois-Joseph Kinsoen:
Presumed Portrait of Miss Kinsoen

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Charles Bargue
Charles Bargue

Tommaso da Modena Barisino or Rabisino
Tommaso da Modena Barisino or Rabisino

Benjamin Barker
Benjamin Barker

John Barker
John Barker

Thomas Jones Barker
Thomas Jones Barker

Francis Barlow
Francis Barlow

Myron G. Barlow
Myron G. Barlow

Frederick Barnard
Frederick Barnard

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