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Siegfried Detler Bendixen

Peter and John at the Sepulchre, from a bible, 1870's

Peter and John at the Sepulchre, from a bible, 1870

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Peter and John at the Sepulchre, from a bible, 1870
Artist:Siegfried Detler Bendixen
Title:Peter and John at the Sepulchre, from a bible, 1870's
Art Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Spring 1852 - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
Spring 1852
The Brazen Serpent, from a bible printed by Edward Gover, 1870's - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
The Brazen Serpent, from a bible printed by Edward Gover, 1870's
The Captive Hebrew Maid that Waited on Naaman's Wife, from a bible 1870's - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
The Captive Hebrew Maid that Waited on Naaman's Wife, from a bible 1870's
The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel, from a bible  1870's - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
The Sacrifice of Cain and Abel, from a bible 1870's

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, from a bible, 1870's - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
Siegfried Detler Bendixen:
Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, from a bible, 1870's
Familienportrait 1815 - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
Siegfried Detler Bendixen:
Familienportrait 1815
The Brazen Serpent, from a bible printed by Edward Gover, 1870's - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
Siegfried Detler Bendixen:
The Brazen Serpent, from a bible printed by Edward Gover, 1870's
Judas Betrays his Master, from a bible, 1870's - Siegfried Detler Bendixen
Siegfried Detler Bendixen:
Judas Betrays his Master, from a bible, 1870's
St John Altarpiece (detail-8) 1474-79 - Hans Memling
Hans Memling:
St John Altarpiece (detail-8) 1474-79
Model of the World and Gdansk Society - Anton Moller
Anton Moller:
Model of the World and Gdansk Society
Pieta c. 1500 - Michel Sittow
Michel Sittow:
Pieta c. 1500

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Gyula Benczur
Gyula Benczur

Eduard (Julius Friedrich) Bendemann
Eduard (Julius Friedrich) Bendemann

Rudolf Christian Eugen Bendemann
Rudolf Christian Eugen Bendemann

Bernhard Axel Bendixen
Bernhard Axel Bendixen

Andries Benedetti
Andries Benedetti

Ludomir Benedyktowicz
Ludomir Benedyktowicz

Wanda Benedyktowicz
Wanda Benedyktowicz

Marco Benefiale
Marco Benefiale

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