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(studio of) Clouet

Rene (c.1528-70) Seigneur of Puy du Fou, c.1558

Rene (c.1528-70) Seigneur of Puy du Fou, c.1558 - (studio of) Clouet

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Rene (c.1528-70) Seigneur of Puy du Fou, c.1558 - (studio of) Clouet
Artist:(studio of) Clouet
Title:Rene (c.1528-70) Seigneur of Puy du Fou, c.1558
Museum:Musée Condé, Chantilly, France
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Renee de Bonneval (1515-c.50), c.1549 - (studio of) Clouet
Renee de Bonneval (1515-c.50), c.1549
Renee de Bonneval (1515-c.50), c.1549 2 - (studio of) Clouet
Renee de Bonneval (1515-c.50), c.1549 2
Renee de France (1510-75) Duchess of Ferrara, c.1522-28 - (studio of) Clouet
Renee de France (1510-75) Duchess of Ferrara, c.1522-28
Renee de Rieux (1524-67) Marquise de Nesles, c.1556 - (studio of) Clouet
Renee de Rieux (1524-67) Marquise de Nesles, c.1556
Robert de Pommereuil (c.1490-1543) c.1533 - (studio of) Clouet
Robert de Pommereuil (c.1490-1543) c.1533
The Dauphin Francois de France (1544-60) future King Francois II, 1552 - (studio of) Clouet
The Dauphin Francois de France (1544-60) future King Francois II, 1552
The Dauphin Francois de France (1544-60) future King Francois II, 1552 (2) - (studio of) Clouet
The Dauphin Francois de France (1544-60) future King Francois II, 1552 (2)
The Three Coligny Brothers: Odet (1517-71) Cardinal of Chatillon, Gaspard II (1519-72) Leader of French Protestants and Admiral of France, and Francois, Lord of Andelot, who won fame at the Battles of Dreux and Jarnac - (studio of) Clouet
The Three Coligny Brothers: Odet (1517-71) Cardinal of Chatillon, Gaspard II (1519-72) Leader of French Protestants and Admiral of France, and Francois, Lord of Andelot, who won fame at the Battles of Dreux and Jarnac

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Aimee Mottier de La Fayette (1490-c.1565), femme de Francois de Silly, bailli de Caen, c.1523 - (studio of) Clouet
(studio of) Clouet:
Aimee Mottier de La Fayette (1490-c.1565), femme de Francois de Silly, bailli de Caen, c.1523
Barbe de Pons (c.1520-c.1590) wife of Jean de Montferrand, Baron de Canjon, c.1551 - (studio of) Clouet
(studio of) Clouet:
Barbe de Pons (c.1520-c.1590) wife of Jean de Montferrand, Baron de Canjon, c.1551
Anne de la Queille (1495?-1545?), femme de Jean Stuart, comte d'Aubigny, c.1530 - (studio of) Clouet
(studio of) Clouet:
Anne de la Queille (1495?-1545?), femme de Jean Stuart, comte d'Aubigny, c.1530
Lady Portrayed as Mary Magdalene - Jan (Mabuse) Gossaert
Jan (Mabuse) Gossaert:
Lady Portrayed as Mary Magdalene
Mother Jerónima de la Fuente [detail] - Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez:
Mother Jerónima de la Fuente [detail]
Francois de Vvonne (c.1510-47); fils de d'Andre de Vivonne, seigneur de la Chataigneraye, C.1540 - (studio of) Clouet
(studio of) Clouet:
Francois de Vvonne (c.1510-47); fils de d'Andre de Vivonne, seigneur de la Chataigneraye, C.1540
Marie-Therese de Savoie-Carignan (1749-92) Princess of Lamballe - Antoine-Francois Callet
Antoine-Francois Callet:
Marie-Therese de Savoie-Carignan (1749-92) Princess of Lamballe

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

William Baxter Palmer Closson
William Baxter Palmer Closson

Johann Closterman (after)
Johann Closterman (after)

Johann Closterman
Johann Closterman

( Closterman, Johann
( Closterman, Johann

Francois Clouet
Francois Clouet

Jean Clouet
Jean Clouet

(after) Clouet, Francois
(after) Clouet, Francois

(and workshop) Clouet, Francois
(and workshop) Clouet, Francois

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