Illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines; by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470
Artist: | Robinet Testard |
Title: | Illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines; by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
Lamium Album or White Dead Nettle, Melandryon, and Iris Minor, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
Lavender, Hellebore, and a relative of the Cucumber family, Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
Linum, Garden poppies and Abrotanum, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines, by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
Lungwort and Geranium, Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
Matthaeus Platearius d.c.1161 writing The Book of Simple Medicines, c.1470 |
Mining gold, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Matthaeus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
Mint and Plantain, or Ribwort, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 |
Orchid, illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 |
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
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