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Robert Frederick Blum

On the Lagoon, Venice

On the Lagoon, Venice - Robert Frederick Blum

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On the Lagoon, Venice - Robert Frederick Blum
Artist:Robert Frederick Blum
Title:On the Lagoon, Venice
Museum:Public collection
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Portrait of a Lady - Robert Frederick Blum
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of Flora de Stephano - Robert Frederick Blum
Portrait of Flora de Stephano
Repose - Robert Frederick Blum
Repose I - Robert Frederick Blum
Repose I
Stringing Beads, Venice - Robert Frederick Blum
Stringing Beads, Venice
The Flower Market, Tokyo - Robert Frederick Blum
The Flower Market, Tokyo
The Libreria, Venice - Robert Frederick Blum
The Libreria, Venice
The Picture Book - Robert Frederick Blum
The Picture Book

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Spanish Water Carrier (Toledo) - Robert Frederick Blum
Robert Frederick Blum:
A Spanish Water Carrier (Toledo)
A Japanese Woman - Robert Frederick Blum
Robert Frederick Blum:
A Japanese Woman
The Picture Book - Robert Frederick Blum
Robert Frederick Blum:
The Picture Book
Repose I - Robert Frederick Blum
Robert Frederick Blum:
Repose I
Scarborough - William Edward Webb
William Edward Webb:
The Sound of Oars - Edward John Gregory
Edward John Gregory:
The Sound of Oars
Beach Scene - Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas:
Beach Scene

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Harry Bloomfield
Harry Bloomfield

Pieter de Bloot
Pieter de Bloot

Oscar Bluemner
Oscar Bluemner

Oscar Bluhm
Oscar Bluhm

Ditlev Conrad Blunck
Ditlev Conrad Blunck

Lady Anne Blunt
Lady Anne Blunt

Zacharias Blyhooft
Zacharias Blyhooft

Benjamin Blyth
Benjamin Blyth

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