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Rembrandt Peale

George Washington

George Washington - Rembrandt Peale

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George Washington - Rembrandt Peale
Artist:Rembrandt Peale
Title:George Washington
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

George Washington 1850 - Rembrandt Peale
George Washington 1850
George Washington as Patriae Pater - Rembrandt Peale
George Washington as Patriae Pater
Girl at a Window (Rosalba Peale) 1846 - Rembrandt Peale
Girl at a Window (Rosalba Peale) 1846
Horatio Greenough - Rembrandt Peale
Horatio Greenough
John C. Calhoun - Rembrandt Peale
John C. Calhoun
John Johnston - Rembrandt Peale
John Johnston
Juliana Westray Wood 1811 - Rembrandt Peale
Juliana Westray Wood 1811
Martha Washington - Rembrandt Peale
Martha Washington

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

George Washington 1850 - Rembrandt Peale
Rembrandt Peale:
George Washington 1850
A Roman Lady - Rembrandt Peale
Rembrandt Peale:
A Roman Lady
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson - Rembrandt Peale
Rembrandt Peale:
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson
Girl at a Window (Rosalba Peale) 1846 - Rembrandt Peale
Rembrandt Peale:
Girl at a Window (Rosalba Peale) 1846
Theodore Roosevelt
Henry Farny:
Theodore Roosevelt "Sage Grouse Shooting"
Portrait of King Stephen Bathory - Marcin Kober
Marcin Kober:
Portrait of King Stephen Bathory
Napoleon on Horseback - Piotr Michalowski
Piotr Michalowski:
Napoleon on Horseback

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

James Peale
James Peale

Margaretta Angelica Peale
Margaretta Angelica Peale

Mary Jane Peale
Mary Jane Peale

Raphaelle Peale
Raphaelle Peale

Rubens Peale
Rubens Peale

Sarah Miriam Peale
Sarah Miriam Peale

Titian Ramsay  Peale
Titian Ramsay Peale

Charles Sprague  Pearce
Charles Sprague Pearce

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