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Raoul Dufy

Cubist Landscape with Haystacks

Cubist Landscape with Haystacks - Raoul Dufy

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Cubist Landscape with Haystacks - Raoul Dufy
Artist:Raoul Dufy
Title:Cubist Landscape with Haystacks
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Fountain in Avignon - Raoul Dufy
Fountain in Avignon
L'avenue du bois - Raoul Dufy
L'avenue du bois
Landscape of Falaise - Raoul Dufy
Landscape of Falaise
Landscape of Montfort-l'Amaury - Raoul Dufy
Landscape of Montfort-l'Amaury
Large Bather - Raoul Dufy
Large Bather
Men Fishing - Raoul Dufy
Men Fishing
Paddock at Chantilly - Raoul Dufy
Paddock at Chantilly
Parisian Bridge - Raoul Dufy
Parisian Bridge

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Paddock at Chantilly - Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy:
Paddock at Chantilly
Parisian Bridge - Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy:
Parisian Bridge
Large Bather - Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy:
Large Bather
The Beach at Sainte-Adresse - Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy:
The Beach at Sainte-Adresse
Campo di Rialto - (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
(Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto:
Campo di Rialto
Crucifixion (Crocifissione) - Gaudenzio Ferrari
Gaudenzio Ferrari:
Crucifixion (Crocifissione)
Haymakers - Léon-Augustin L'hermitte
Léon-Augustin L'hermitte:

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Joseph-Francois Ducq
Joseph-Francois Ducq

Joseph Ducreux
Joseph Ducreux

Ernest Ange Duez
Ernest Ange Duez

Jacques-Edouard Dufeu
Jacques-Edouard Dufeu

Gaspard Dughet
Gaspard Dughet

Karel Dujardin
Karel Dujardin

Henri-Charles-Etienne Dujardin-Beaumetz
Henri-Charles-Etienne Dujardin-Beaumetz

Master of the Duke of Bedford
Master of the Duke of Bedford

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