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Maxime Maufra

The Cove at Cape Suzon

The Cove at Cape Suzon - Maxime Maufra

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The Cove at Cape Suzon - Maxime Maufra
Artist:Maxime Maufra
Title:The Cove at Cape Suzon
1st Art Gallery
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Dining Room after Lunch - Maxime Maufra
The Dining Room after Lunch
The Dunes of Port Blanc near Ile de Quiberon - Maxime Maufra
The Dunes of Port Blanc near Ile de Quiberon
The Golden Sea - Quiberon - Maxime Maufra
The Golden Sea - Quiberon
The Jetty at Pontivy, Morbihan - Maxime Maufra
The Jetty at Pontivy, Morbihan
The Leguenay Bridge, Bruges - Maxime Maufra
The Leguenay Bridge, Bruges
The Marne at Lagny - Maxime Maufra
The Marne at Lagny
The Pines of the Ile St. Morah - Maxime Maufra
The Pines of the Ile St. Morah
The Ponce Paper Factory on the Edge of the Sathe Woods - Maxime Maufra
The Ponce Paper Factory on the Edge of the Sathe Woods

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Bouquet of Flowers in front of a Window - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
A Bouquet of Flowers in front of a Window
Flood - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
Autumn Landscape at Goulazon, Finistere - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
Autumn Landscape at Goulazon, Finistere
Emerald Lake Near Tahoe - Thomas Hill
Thomas Hill:
Emerald Lake Near Tahoe
Exotic Bird, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 2 - Chinese School
Chinese School:
Exotic Bird, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 2
Low Tide At Pourville - Claude Oscar Monet
Claude Oscar Monet:
Low Tide At Pourville
Electricity - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Louis-Ernest Barrias:

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Georg David Matthieu
Georg David Matthieu

Teodoro Mattieni
Teodoro Mattieni

Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente
Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente

Raoul Maucherat de Longpre
Raoul Maucherat de Longpre

Franz Anton Maulbertsch
Franz Anton Maulbertsch

Emile Regnault de Maulmain
Emile Regnault de Maulmain

Henri Mauperche
Henri Mauperche

Hyde Maureen
Hyde Maureen

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