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Maxime Maufra

Departure of a Cargo Ship, Le Havre

Departure of a Cargo Ship, Le Havre - Maxime Maufra

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Departure of a Cargo Ship, Le Havre - Maxime Maufra
Artist:Maxime Maufra
Title:Departure of a Cargo Ship, Le Havre
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Dessert - Maxime Maufra
Dusk, the Mouth of the Seine - Maxime Maufra
Dusk, the Mouth of the Seine
Environs de Douarnenez - Maxime Maufra
Environs de Douarnenez
Evening at the Sea, Quiberon - Maxime Maufra
Evening at the Sea, Quiberon
Evening, Morgat Beach - Maxime Maufra
Evening, Morgat Beach
Fishermen on the Banks of the Loire - Maxime Maufra
Fishermen on the Banks of the Loire
Fishing Boats on the Shore - Maxime Maufra
Fishing Boats on the Shore
Fishing for sprats in Winter at Douarnenez - Maxime Maufra
Fishing for sprats in Winter at Douarnenez

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Bouquet of Flowers in front of a Window - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
A Bouquet of Flowers in front of a Window
At Low Tide - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
At Low Tide
Flood - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
Autumn Landscape at Goulazon, Finistere - Maxime Maufra
Maxime Maufra:
Autumn Landscape at Goulazon, Finistere
The Lake of Lucerne, Moonlight, the Rigi in the Distance, c.1841 - Joseph Mallord William Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner:
The Lake of Lucerne, Moonlight, the Rigi in the Distance, c.1841
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Eusebius Johann Alphen
Eusebius Johann Alphen:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Retreat of Major Marcus Reno's command - Amos Bad Heart Buffalo
Amos Bad Heart Buffalo:
Retreat of Major Marcus Reno's command

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Georg David Matthieu
Georg David Matthieu

Teodoro Mattieni
Teodoro Mattieni

Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente
Virgilio Mattoni de la Fuente

Raoul Maucherat de Longpre
Raoul Maucherat de Longpre

Franz Anton Maulbertsch
Franz Anton Maulbertsch

Emile Regnault de Maulmain
Emile Regnault de Maulmain

Henri Mauperche
Henri Mauperche

Hyde Maureen
Hyde Maureen

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