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Louis Francois Roubiliac

Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale

Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale - Louis Francois Roubiliac

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Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale - Louis Francois Roubiliac
Artist:Louis Francois Roubiliac
Title:Tomb of Sir Joseph and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

George Frideric Handel - Louis Francois Roubiliac
Louis Francois Roubiliac:
George Frideric Handel
Bust of Alexander Pope - Louis Francois Roubiliac
Louis Francois Roubiliac:
Bust of Alexander Pope
Bust of John Belchier - Louis Francois Roubiliac
Louis Francois Roubiliac:
Bust of John Belchier
Stage design for Modest Mussorgsky's opera 'Boris Godunov', 1916 - Vasily Polenov
Vasily Polenov:
Stage design for Modest Mussorgsky's opera 'Boris Godunov', 1916
Le Jeune Modele Posant Dans L'Atelier - Jules Alexis Muenier
Jules Alexis Muenier:
Le Jeune Modele Posant Dans L'Atelier
Christ at the Well, c.1560 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti):
Christ at the Well, c.1560
Francois de Saint Nectaire (1523-96), or M. de la Ferte Senectere, c.1555 - (studio of) Clouet
(studio of) Clouet:
Francois de Saint Nectaire (1523-96), or M. de la Ferte Senectere, c.1555

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Antonio Rotta
Antonio Rotta

Carl Rottmann
Carl Rottmann

Michal Rouba
Michal Rouba

Franz Roubaud
Franz Roubaud

Jules James Rougeron
Jules James Rougeron

Emilie Rouillon
Emilie Rouillon


Etienne-Pierre Theodore Rousseau
Etienne-Pierre Theodore Rousseau

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