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Louis-Ernest Barrias

La Renomee: An Allegory of Fame

La Renomee: An Allegory of Fame - Louis-Ernest Barrias

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La Renomee: An Allegory of Fame - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Artist:Louis-Ernest Barrias
Title:La Renomee: An Allegory of Fame
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Le Jeune Fille de Bou-Saada (The Young Girl of Bou-Saada) - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Le Jeune Fille de Bou-Saada (The Young Girl of Bou-Saada)
Le Serment de Spartacus (The Oath of Spartacus) - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Le Serment de Spartacus (The Oath of Spartacus)
Les Premieres Funerailles, Adam et Eve portant Abel (First Mourning, Adam and Eve carrying Abel) - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Les Premieres Funerailles, Adam et Eve portant Abel (First Mourning, Adam and Eve carrying Abel)
Monument aux Defenseurs de Paris - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Monument aux Defenseurs de Paris
Nubian Alligator Hunters (or The Nubians) - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Nubian Alligator Hunters (or The Nubians)
The Young Girl of Bou Saad - Louis-Ernest Barrias
The Young Girl of Bou Saad

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Bust of a Young Girl - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Louis-Ernest Barrias:
Bust of a Young Girl
The Young Girl of Bou Saad - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Louis-Ernest Barrias:
The Young Girl of Bou Saad
Fame - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Louis-Ernest Barrias:
Les Premieres Funerailles, Adam et Eve portant Abel (First Mourning, Adam and Eve carrying Abel) - Louis-Ernest Barrias
Louis-Ernest Barrias:
Les Premieres Funerailles, Adam et Eve portant Abel (First Mourning, Adam and Eve carrying Abel)
Portrait of Christoph Willibald von Gluck - Etienne Aubry
Etienne Aubry:
Portrait of Christoph Willibald von Gluck
A Young Girl With Roses - Federico Andreotti
Federico Andreotti:
A Young Girl With Roses
Quadriga - Rudolf Schadow
Rudolf Schadow:

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Francisco Barrera
Francisco Barrera

Francis Barrett
Francis Barrett

Thomas Barrett
Thomas Barrett

Felix-Joseph Barrias
Felix-Joseph Barrias

Joseph Charles Barrow
Joseph Charles Barrow

David Frances Barry
David Frances Barry

Francois Pierre Bernard Barry
Francois Pierre Bernard Barry

James Barry
James Barry

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