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Leonardo Da Vinci

Annunciation (detail 1) 1478-82

Annunciation (detail 1) 1478-82 - Leonardo Da Vinci

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Annunciation (detail 1) 1478-82 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Artist:Leonardo Da Vinci
Title:Annunciation (detail 1) 1478-82
Museum:Musée du Louvre, Paris, France
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Annunciation (detail 2) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 2) 1472-75
Annunciation (detail 2) 1478-82 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 2) 1478-82
Annunciation (detail 3) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 3) 1472-75
Annunciation (detail 4) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 4) 1472-75
Annunciation 1478-82 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation 1478-82
Assault Chariot With Scythes - Leonardo Da Vinci
Assault Chariot With Scythes
Automobile - Leonardo Da Vinci
Birch copse c. 1500 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Birch copse c. 1500

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Last Supper 1498 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci:
The Last Supper 1498
Last Supper (copy) 16th century - Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Last Supper (copy) 16th century
Mona Lisa  Detail - Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Mona Lisa Detail
Adoration of the Magi - Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Adoration of the Magi
The Madonna of the Zodiac c. 1453 - Cosme Tura
Cosme Tura:
The Madonna of the Zodiac c. 1453
Parting of Sts Peter and Paul Led to Martyrdom 1625-26 - Giovanni Serodine
Giovanni Serodine:
Parting of Sts Peter and Paul Led to Martyrdom 1625-26
Miracle of Fire (scene 8) 1312-17 - Louis de Silvestre
Louis de Silvestre:
Miracle of Fire (scene 8) 1312-17

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Guido Da Siena
Guido Da Siena

Domenico Da Tolmezzo
Domenico Da Tolmezzo

Liberale Da Verona
Liberale Da Verona

Michele Da Verona
Michele Da Verona

Francesco Di Gabriele Da Viterbo
Francesco Di Gabriele Da Viterbo

Lorenzo Da Viterbo
Lorenzo Da Viterbo

Stefano Da Zevio
Stefano Da Zevio

Halina Dabrowska
Halina Dabrowska

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