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Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky

The First Train, 1883

The First Train, 1883 - Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky

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The First Train, 1883 - Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Artist:Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Title:The First Train, 1883
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Travellers in Auvergne, 1876 - Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Travellers in Auvergne, 1876

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Shishkin's landscape Morning in the Pine Forest (1886) - Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky:
Shishkin's landscape Morning in the Pine Forest (1886)
Departing for the War, 1888 - Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky:
Departing for the War, 1888
Suspicious People, 1882 - Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky:
Suspicious People, 1882
In the Crimean Mountains, 1873 - Fedor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev
Fedor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev:
In the Crimean Mountains, 1873
Setting Sun at Ivry, c.1872-73 - Armand Guillaumin
Armand Guillaumin:
Setting Sun at Ivry, c.1872-73
View of the Quai d'Ovry - Henri Julien  Rousseau
Henri Julien Rousseau:
View of the Quai d'Ovry
The Wedding Cart - Karl Schindler
Karl Schindler:
The Wedding Cart

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Roelandt Jacobsz Savery
Roelandt Jacobsz Savery


Jules-Cesar Savigny
Jules-Cesar Savigny

Alfonso Savini
Alfonso Savini

Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo

(after) Savorelli, G. & Camporesi, P.
(after) Savorelli, G. & Camporesi, P.

Carel van Savoy
Carel van Savoy

Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov
Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov

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