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John Trumbull

George Gallagher, New Yor,

George Gallagher, New Yor, - John Trumbull

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George Gallagher, New Yor, - John Trumbull
Artist:John Trumbull
Title:George Gallagher, New Yor,
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

George Washington - John Trumbull
George Washington
George Washington before the Battle of Trenton - John Trumbull
George Washington before the Battle of Trenton
Giuseppe Ceracchi - John Trumbull
Giuseppe Ceracchi
Hopothle Mico 1790 - John Trumbull
Hopothle Mico 1790
Jeremiah Wadsworth and His Son Daniel Wadsworth - John Trumbull
Jeremiah Wadsworth and His Son Daniel Wadsworth
John Murray - John Trumbull
John Murray
Major William Lithgow 1791 - John Trumbull
Major William Lithgow 1791
Mrs. John Barker Church (Angelica Schuyler), Son Philip and Servant - John Trumbull
Mrs. John Barker Church (Angelica Schuyler), Son Philip and Servant

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

George Washington - John Trumbull
John Trumbull:
George Washington
The Declaration of Independence - John Trumbull
John Trumbull:
The Declaration of Independence
George Washington before the Battle of Trenton - John Trumbull
John Trumbull:
George Washington before the Battle of Trenton
Five Miniatures Framed Together 1791-93 - John Trumbull
John Trumbull:
Five Miniatures Framed Together 1791-93
Ambrosius and Hans Holbein the Younger - Hans, the Younger Holbein
Hans, the Younger Holbein:
Ambrosius and Hans Holbein the Younger
Catharina Both van der Eem c. 1620 - Frans Hals
Frans Hals:
Catharina Both van der Eem c. 1620
Mrs Charles Badham - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres:
Mrs Charles Badham

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Horace van Truith
Horace van Truith

Edward Truman
Edward Truman

Herbert Truman
Herbert Truman

Gurdon Trumbull
Gurdon Trumbull

Auguste Joseph Trupheme
Auguste Joseph Trupheme

Felix Trutat
Felix Trutat


Dwight William Tryon
Dwight William Tryon

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