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John Maler Collier

The Brotherhood of Man

The Brotherhood of Man - John Maler Collier

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The Brotherhood of Man - John Maler Collier
Artist:John Maler Collier
Title:The Brotherhood of Man
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Confession - John Maler Collier
The Confession
The Daughters of Col. Makins M.P. - John Maler Collier
The Daughters of Col. Makins M.P.
The Death of Albine - John Maler Collier
The Death of Albine
The Death of Cleopatra - John Maler Collier
The Death of Cleopatra
The Grand Lady - John Maler Collier
The Grand Lady
The Laboratory, 1895 - John Maler Collier
The Laboratory, 1895
The Land Baby - John Maler Collier
The Land Baby
The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson - John Maler Collier
The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Water Nymph - John Maler Collier
John Maler Collier:
The Water Nymph
The Land Baby - John Maler Collier
John Maler Collier:
The Land Baby
Lady Godiva - John Maler Collier
John Maler Collier:
Lady Godiva
Horace And Lydia - John Maler Collier
John Maler Collier:
Horace And Lydia
Landscape with the Embarkation of Saint Paula Romana at Ostia  1639 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Claude Lorrain (Gellee):
Landscape with the Embarkation of Saint Paula Romana at Ostia 1639
The Punishment of Korah and the Stoning of Moses and Aaron 1481-82 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi):
The Punishment of Korah and the Stoning of Moses and Aaron 1481-82
Village Festival  1650s, - Johannes Lingelbach
Johannes Lingelbach:
Village Festival 1650s,

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Antonio Colli
Antonio Colli

Arthur Bevan Collier
Arthur Bevan Collier

Edwaert Collier
Edwaert Collier

Edwart Collier
Edwart Collier

Thomas Collier
Thomas Collier

F.J. Collignon
F.J. Collignon


Andre Collin
Andre Collin

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