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John Frederick Kensett

Cascade near Lake George

Cascade near Lake George - John Frederick Kensett

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Cascade near Lake George - John Frederick Kensett
Artist:John Frederick Kensett
Title:Cascade near Lake George
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Catskill Mountain Scenery - John Frederick Kensett
Catskill Mountain Scenery
Clearing Off - John Frederick Kensett
Clearing Off
Coast Scene - John Frederick Kensett
Coast Scene
Coast Scene with Figures - John Frederick Kensett
Coast Scene with Figures
Connecticut Shoreline In Autumn - John Frederick Kensett
Connecticut Shoreline In Autumn
Conway Valley, New Hampshire - John Frederick Kensett
Conway Valley, New Hampshire
Eagle Rock, Manchester, Massachusetts - John Frederick Kensett
Eagle Rock, Manchester, Massachusetts
Eagle Rock, Manchester, Massachusetts I - John Frederick Kensett
Eagle Rock, Manchester, Massachusetts I

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Foggy Sky - John Frederick Kensett
John Frederick Kensett:
A Foggy Sky
At Pasture - John Frederick Kensett
John Frederick Kensett:
At Pasture
Connecticut Shoreline In Autumn - John Frederick Kensett
John Frederick Kensett:
Connecticut Shoreline In Autumn
Autumn In Candes - Paul Trouillebert
Paul Trouillebert:
Autumn In Candes
La Pointe du Rossignol (Cap Layet) - Theo van Rysselberghe
Theo van Rysselberghe:
La Pointe du Rossignol (Cap Layet)
The Sheep Jump, 1887 - Giovanni Fattori
Giovanni Fattori:
The Sheep Jump, 1887
Quay at Villefranche - Eugène Boudin
Eugène Boudin:
Quay at Villefranche

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Sydney Kendrick
Sydney Kendrick

Charles Napier Kennedy
Charles Napier Kennedy

David Johnson Kennedy
David Johnson Kennedy

Thomas Benjamin Kennington
Thomas Benjamin Kennington

Hermann Kern
Hermann Kern

Leonhard Kern
Leonhard Kern

Guillielmus Kerricks
Guillielmus Kerricks

Willem the Elder Kerricks
Willem the Elder Kerricks

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