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Jean-Georges Beraud

Edmond Taigny

Edmond Taigny - Jean-Georges Beraud

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Edmond Taigny - Jean-Georges Beraud
Artist:Jean-Georges Beraud
Title:Edmond Taigny
Museum:Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee Carnavalet - Paris
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Entrance to the Exposition Universelle 1889 - Jean-Georges Beraud
Entrance to the Exposition Universelle 1889
Envole d'un Biplan Type Wright - Jean-Georges Beraud
Envole d'un Biplan Type Wright
First Communion - Jean-Georges Beraud
First Communion
Hailing a Cab outside the Care Americain - Jean-Georges Beraud
Hailing a Cab outside the Care Americain
Home, Driver ! - Jean-Georges Beraud
Home, Driver !
In the Wings at the Opera House 1889 - Jean-Georges Beraud
In the Wings at the Opera House 1889
Jeune femme traversant le boulevard - Jean-Georges Beraud
Jeune femme traversant le boulevard
L'escrimeuse (The Swordswoman) - Jean-Georges Beraud
L'escrimeuse (The Swordswoman)

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Boulevard Poissonniere in the Rain, c.1885 - Jean-Georges Beraud
Jean-Georges Beraud:
Boulevard Poissonniere in the Rain, c.1885
Au Cafe 1986 - Jean-Georges Beraud
Jean-Georges Beraud:
Au Cafe 1986
At the Cafe - Jean-Georges Beraud
Jean-Georges Beraud:
At the Cafe
Entrance to the Exposition Universelle 1889 - Jean-Georges Beraud
Jean-Georges Beraud:
Entrance to the Exposition Universelle 1889
The Cocoa Seller - Carle Vernet
Carle Vernet:
The Cocoa Seller
Cuban Rider - Jules Pascin
Jules Pascin:
Cuban Rider
Neptunes Garden, 1888 - William Lionel Wyllie
William Lionel Wyllie:
Neptunes Garden, 1888

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Alfred Benzon
Alfred Benzon

Giovanni Maria Benzoni
Giovanni Maria Benzoni

Jean I Berain
Jean I Berain

Ferry Beraton
Ferry Beraton

Nicolaes Berchem
Nicolaes Berchem

Narcisse Berchere
Narcisse Berchere

Gerrit Adriaensz Berckheyde
Gerrit Adriaensz Berckheyde

Job Adriaensz. Berckheyde
Job Adriaensz. Berckheyde

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