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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Wiesenhang near Ornans, 1862
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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Wiesenhang near Ornans, 1862
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
Willows and Farmhouses at Saint-Catherine-les Arras
Windmill on the Cote de Picardie, near Versailles
Windswept Landscape
Winter Landscape Beside a Lake
Winter Scene
Woman in a Pink Blouse
Woman in a Toque with a Mandolin
Woman in Grey
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:
A Girl Reading
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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:
A Pensive Girl, c.1865
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:
A Windmill in Montmartre
Léon-Augustin L'hermitte:
Charles Euphrasie Kuwasseg, Jr.:
An Alpine Village
Pierre (after) Courvoisier:
View of the Facade of the Church of Saint-Denis near Paris, c.1820
Andrew Melrose:
Near Harper's Ferry
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Jacobus Ludovicus Cornet
V. Cornis
Hubert Cornish
Paul Cornoyer
Antonio Corradini
Juan Correa de Vivar
Alexandre Correard
Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
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