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Jan Vermeer Van Delft

The Allegory of the Faith 1671-74

The Allegory of the Faith 1671-74 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft

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The Allegory of the Faith 1671-74 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
Artist:Jan Vermeer Van Delft
Title:The Allegory of the Faith 1671-74
Museum:Metropolitan Museum of Art, Manhattan, New York, USA
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Art of Painting [detail: 1] - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Art of Painting [detail: 1]
The Art of Painting [detail: 2] - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Art of Painting [detail: 2]
The Art of Painting [detail: 3] - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Art of Painting [detail: 3]
The Art of Painting [detail: 4] - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Art of Painting [detail: 4]
The Art of Painting [detail: 5] - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Art of Painting [detail: 5]
The Artist's Studio 1665 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Artist's Studio 1665
The Astronomer (detail) c. 1668 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Astronomer (detail) c. 1668
The Astronomer c. 1668 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
The Astronomer c. 1668

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Girl with a Pearl Earring c. 1665 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
Jan Vermeer Van Delft:
Girl with a Pearl Earring c. 1665
Girl With A Red Hat - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
Jan Vermeer Van Delft:
Girl With A Red Hat
A Lady and Two Gentlemen c. 1659 - Jan Vermeer Van Delft
Jan Vermeer Van Delft:
A Lady and Two Gentlemen c. 1659
Sisters - Sara McGregor
Sara McGregor:
Portrait of Margareta van Eyck 1439 - Jan Van Eyck
Jan Van Eyck:
Portrait of Margareta van Eyck 1439
The Artists Second Wife, Julie Marianne Pernette, nee Robert, 1762 - Johann Heinrich The Elder Tischbein
Johann Heinrich The Elder Tischbein:
The Artists Second Wife, Julie Marianne Pernette, nee Robert, 1762
St Rose of Lima - Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Bartolome Esteban Murillo:
St Rose of Lima

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Theodor Verkruis
Theodor Verkruis

Charles Verlat
Charles Verlat

Charles Raoul Verlet
Charles Raoul Verlet

Venceslao Verlin
Venceslao Verlin

Em Vermeersch
Em Vermeersch

Gustav Vermehren
Gustav Vermehren

Ambrose Vermerrsch
Ambrose Vermerrsch

Andries Vermeulen
Andries Vermeulen

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