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Horace Vernet

Self Portrait, 1835

Self Portrait, 1835 - Horace Vernet

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Self Portrait, 1835 - Horace Vernet
Artist:Horace Vernet
Title:Self Portrait, 1835
1st Art Gallery
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Slave Merchant, published 1820s - Horace Vernet
Slave Merchant, published 1820s
Soldier-Labourer 1820 - Horace Vernet
Soldier-Labourer 1820
Summer Dress, fashion plate from Incroyables et Merveilleuses, engraved by Georges Jacques Gatine 1773-1831, c.1815 - Horace Vernet
Summer Dress, fashion plate from Incroyables et Merveilleuses, engraved by Georges Jacques Gatine 1773-1831, c.1815
Taking of Bougie, 1833 - Horace Vernet
Taking of Bougie, 1833
The Arab Tale-teller - Horace Vernet
The Arab Tale-teller
The Artist's Studio c. 1820 - Horace Vernet
The Artist's Studio c. 1820
The Assassination of Wallenstein , lithograph by Gottfried Engelmann - Horace Vernet
The Assassination of Wallenstein , lithograph by Gottfried Engelmann
The Battle of Bouvines, 27th July 1214, 1827 - Horace Vernet
The Battle of Bouvines, 27th July 1214, 1827

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Jehuda and Tamar 1840 - Horace Vernet
Horace Vernet:
Jehuda and Tamar 1840
The Wounded Trumpeter 1819 - Horace Vernet
Horace Vernet:
The Wounded Trumpeter 1819
The Dog of the Regiment Wounded 1819 - Horace Vernet
Horace Vernet:
The Dog of the Regiment Wounded 1819
Letter (Der Brief) - Gotthardt Kuehl
Gotthardt Kuehl:
Letter (Der Brief)
Francois Adrien Boieldieu - Louis Léopold Boilly
Louis Léopold Boilly:
Francois Adrien Boieldieu
Charles II (1661-1700) of Spain - Juan Carreno De Miranda
Juan Carreno De Miranda:
Charles II (1661-1700) of Spain
A New Love Song, Only Hapenny a Piece, plate 11 of The Cries of London, engraved by Anthony Cardon (1772-1813), pub. by Colnaghi & Co., 1796 - Francis Wheatley
Francis Wheatley:
A New Love Song, Only Hapenny a Piece, plate 11 of The Cries of London, engraved by Anthony Cardon (1772-1813), pub. by Colnaghi & Co., 1796

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Nicolae Vermont
Nicolae Vermont

L. Vernansal
L. Vernansal

Carle Vernet
Carle Vernet

Claude-joseph Vernet
Claude-joseph Vernet

Pierre Vernet
Pierre Vernet

Charles Vernier
Charles Vernier

Alexandre-Rene Vernon
Alexandre-Rene Vernon

Arthur Langley Vernon
Arthur Langley Vernon

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