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Henry Sandercock

The Inconsiderate Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870

The Inconsiderate Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock

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The Inconsiderate Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
Artist:Henry Sandercock
Title:The Inconsiderate Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Last Putt, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
The Last Putt, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The Lethargic Golfers, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870  - Henry Sandercock
The Lethargic Golfers, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The Out of Control Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870  - Henry Sandercock
The Out of Control Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The Pensive Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870  - Henry Sandercock
The Pensive Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The School Boy Golfers in the Rain, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
The School Boy Golfers in the Rain, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The Snooty Landlord, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870  - Henry Sandercock
The Snooty Landlord, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The Strategic Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870  - Henry Sandercock
The Strategic Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
The Surprised Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c. 1870  - Henry Sandercock
The Surprised Golfer, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c. 1870

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

	The Roadmen disturbed by the Golfers, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
Henry Sandercock:
The Roadmen disturbed by the Golfers, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
A Quick Word before the Stroke, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
Henry Sandercock:
A Quick Word before the Stroke, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
Golfers, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
Henry Sandercock:
Golfers, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
Measuring up, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870 - Henry Sandercock
Henry Sandercock:
Measuring up, illustration from Graphic magazine, pub. c.1870
Madame Monet and Child (Camille Monet and a Child in a Garden) - Claude Oscar Monet
Claude Oscar Monet:
Madame Monet and Child (Camille Monet and a Child in a Garden)
Old Mill, Roberton - Robert J. Walker
Robert J. Walker:
Old Mill, Roberton
The Repairer, 1891 - Edouard  (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard:
The Repairer, 1891

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Maurice Sand
Maurice Sand

Johan Gustaf Sandberg
Johan Gustaf Sandberg

Paul Sandby
Paul Sandby

Thomas Sandby
Thomas Sandby

George Sanders
George Sanders

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John Sanders
John Sanders

(attr. to) Sanders, John
(attr. to) Sanders, John

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