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Henry Perronet Briggs

Portrait of the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, 1837

Portrait of the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, 1837 - Henry Perronet Briggs

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Portrait of the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, 1837 - Henry Perronet Briggs
Artist:Henry Perronet Briggs
Title:Portrait of the Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece, 1837
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Sir Thomas Young MD, FRS - Henry Perronet Briggs
Sir Thomas Young MD, FRS
The Romans Teaching the Arts to the Ancient Britons, c.1831 - Henry Perronet Briggs
The Romans Teaching the Arts to the Ancient Britons, c.1831
The Romans Teaching the Mechanical Arts to the Ancient Britons, 1831 - Henry Perronet Briggs
The Romans Teaching the Mechanical Arts to the Ancient Britons, 1831
William Wells - Henry Perronet Briggs
William Wells

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Romans Teaching the Arts to the Ancient Britons, c.1831 - Henry Perronet Briggs
Henry Perronet Briggs:
The Romans Teaching the Arts to the Ancient Britons, c.1831
The Romans Teaching the Mechanical Arts to the Ancient Britons, 1831 - Henry Perronet Briggs
Henry Perronet Briggs:
The Romans Teaching the Mechanical Arts to the Ancient Britons, 1831
Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby, c.1835 - Henry Perronet Briggs
Henry Perronet Briggs:
Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby, c.1835
William Wells - Henry Perronet Briggs
Henry Perronet Briggs:
William Wells
Madame Clément Boulanger, née Marie-Élizabeth Blavot, later Madame Edmond Cavé - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres:
Madame Clément Boulanger, née Marie-Élizabeth Blavot, later Madame Edmond Cavé
Portrait of a woman, said to be Constanze, Mozarts wife, 1787 - Joseph Trinquesse
Joseph Trinquesse:
Portrait of a woman, said to be Constanze, Mozarts wife, 1787
Adelaide de France (1732-1800) - Jean Valade
Jean Valade:
Adelaide de France (1732-1800)

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

John Bridges
John Bridges

J.C. Bridgewood
J.C. Bridgewood

Frederick Arthur Bridgman
Frederick Arthur Bridgman

Hugh Bridport
Hugh Bridport

Henry Bright
Henry Bright

Paul Bril
Paul Bril

Louis Georges Brillouin
Louis Georges Brillouin

Hermann Brinckmann
Hermann Brinckmann

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