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Henry Inman

Janet Halleck Drake

Janet Halleck Drake - Henry Inman

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Janet Halleck Drake - Henry Inman
Artist:Henry Inman
Title:Janet Halleck Drake
Museum:Metropolitan Museum of Art, Manhattan, New York, USA
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

levi arnold - Henry Inman
levi arnold
Martin Van Buren - Henry Inman
Martin Van Buren
Mrs. Albert Bridges - Henry Inman
Mrs. Albert Bridges
Portrait of a Young Lady - Henry Inman
Portrait of a Young Lady
The Children of Bishop George W. Doane - Henry Inman
The Children of Bishop George W. Doane
The Young Fisherman - Henry Inman
The Young Fisherman
Trout Fishing in Sullivan County - Henry Inman
Trout Fishing in Sullivan County
William Charles Macready as William Tell - Henry Inman
William Charles Macready as William Tell

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Gentleman of the Wilkes Family - Henry Inman
Henry Inman:
A Gentleman of the Wilkes Family
Portrait of a Young Lady - Henry Inman
Henry Inman:
Portrait of a Young Lady
Mrs. Albert Bridges - Henry Inman
Henry Inman:
Mrs. Albert Bridges
Feeding Time, 1862 - Henry Brittan Willis, R.W.S.
Henry Brittan Willis, R.W.S.:
Feeding Time, 1862
The Free Trader - Charles Marion Russell
Charles Marion Russell:
The Free Trader
St. Benedict and his Monks Eating in the Refectory - Il Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi)
Il Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi):
St. Benedict and his Monks Eating in the Refectory
A Shepherdess with her Dog and Flock in a Moonlit Meadow - George Faulkner Wetherbee
George Faulkner Wetherbee:
A Shepherdess with her Dog and Flock in a Moonlit Meadow

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Charles Cromwell Ingham
Charles Cromwell Ingham

Jose Inglada
Jose Inglada

Jorge Ingles
Jorge Ingles

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

John O'Brien Inman
John O'Brien Inman

George Inness
George Inness

George Inness Jnr.
George Inness Jnr.

Joaquin Inza
Joaquin Inza

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