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Henry Bright

Clouds passing over Ben More, 1870

Clouds passing over Ben More, 1870 - Henry Bright

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Clouds passing over Ben More, 1870 - Henry Bright
Artist:Henry Bright
Title:Clouds passing over Ben More, 1870
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Effect after Rain - Henry Bright
Effect after Rain
Frosty Sunrise, Leiden - Henry Bright
Frosty Sunrise, Leiden
Heavy Weather - Henry Bright
Heavy Weather
Mountain Landscape - Henry Bright
Mountain Landscape
North Beach, Great Yarmouth - Henry Bright
North Beach, Great Yarmouth
On the Borders of Dartmoor, c.1840 - Henry Bright
On the Borders of Dartmoor, c.1840
Orchard Robbers, 1889 - Henry Bright
Orchard Robbers, 1889
Orford Castle 1856 - Henry Bright
Orford Castle 1856

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Ruined Mill near Yarmouth - Henry Bright
Henry Bright:
A Ruined Mill near Yarmouth
A Fishing Smack and a Small Boat drawn up on the Shore Beneath a Rocky Cliff - Henry Bright
Henry Bright:
A Fishing Smack and a Small Boat drawn up on the Shore Beneath a Rocky Cliff
Frosty Sunrise, Leiden - Henry Bright
Henry Bright:
Frosty Sunrise, Leiden
Effect after Rain - Henry Bright
Henry Bright:
Effect after Rain
A Fishing Smack and a Small Boat drawn up on the Shore Beneath a Rocky Cliff - Henry Bright
Henry Bright:
A Fishing Smack and a Small Boat drawn up on the Shore Beneath a Rocky Cliff
Dedham Vale 1802 - John Constable
John Constable:
Dedham Vale 1802
Hunt in the Forest - Paolo Uccello
Paolo Uccello:
Hunt in the Forest

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

J.C. Bridgewood
J.C. Bridgewood

Frederick Arthur Bridgman
Frederick Arthur Bridgman

Hugh Bridport
Hugh Bridport

Henry Perronet Briggs
Henry Perronet Briggs

Paul Bril
Paul Bril

Louis Georges Brillouin
Louis Georges Brillouin

Hermann Brinckmann
Hermann Brinckmann

F. Brinicardi
F. Brinicardi

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